PDFs by Other Buddhist Teachers

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(image for) Progressive Stages of Meditation by Khenpo Tsultrim (PDF)

Progressive Stages of Meditation by Khenpo Tsultrim (PDF)

Progressive Stages of Meditation by Khenpo Tsultrim is one of his most popular books. It is hard to get so we offer it as a PDF. Thrangu Rinpoche with Khenpo Tsultrim have taught the four regents of the Kagyu school of Buddhism and in this book Khenpo Tsultrim presents the main school of Buddhist...

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(image for) Rainbow body of Ugyen Tendzin by Namkhai Norbu (PDF)

Rainbow body of Ugyen Tendzin by Namkhai Norbu (PDF)

Tibetan Buddhism is the only religion which has developed an advanced meditation in the practitioners at the end of life tells his students to leave him alone in a room or tent of about seven days and then takes the meditation position. When the students who have surrounded the room praying night...

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(image for) Religions of Tibet by Tucci (PDF)

Religions of Tibet by Tucci (PDF)

This is a classic book giving a very good account of the History of Tibet which also includes a a great deal of information on the Tibetan Buddhism and the various lineages and famous teachers. The book is 350 page long and well written.

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(image for) Rimey Lama Chopha (tantric feast) by Dilgo Khyentse (PDF)

Rimey Lama Chopha (tantric feast) by Dilgo Khyentse (PDF)

The Rimey Lama Chopa is a guru yoga practice which was written by Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche in the form of a Rime practice that can be used by all lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. It also contains an excellent Foreword by Matthieu Ricard who was his translator for many years.

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(image for) Rinchen Zangpo-Renaiswance of Buddhism by Tucci (PDF)

Rinchen Zangpo-Renaiswance of Buddhism by Tucci (PDF)

In Tibet the king Langdarma in 905 tried to destroy all the Buddhist teachings by destroying the Buddhist texts and closing all the Buddhist monasteries. After Longdharma was assinated in 905, Rinchen Zangpo assembled 75 Tibetqn scolars and they began reconstrucint Buddhism in Tibet which took many...

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(image for) Secret Buddhism: Vajrayana Practices by Kalu Rinpoche (PDF)

Secret Buddhism: Vajrayana Practices by Kalu Rinpoche (PDF)

Clear Point Press published three excellent books as a series by Kalu Rinpoche. The first was Excellent Buddhism which contains practice in daily life and some background to Kalu Rinpoche. The second book was Profound Buddhism  which were teachings on the Foundation and the Mahayana vehicles....

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(image for) Song of Karmapa by Chokyi Nyima (PDF)

Song of Karmapa by Chokyi Nyima (PDF)

Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche has a large monastery in Boudha just outside Kathamandu next to Thrangu Rinpoche monastery . He also has centers outside of Nepal and his monastery is both of the Kagyu and the Nyingma lineage.  This Song of Karmapa written by the Rangjung Dorje, Third Kamapa which...

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(image for) Sup. The Mirror of Mindfulness The Four Bardos by Rangdrol

Sup. The Mirror of Mindfulness The Four Bardos by Rangdrol

This book is a an invaluable book on the bardo or the time between this life and we are reborn in the next. Thrangu Rinpoche used this book as a text for his bardo teachings. This book published in 1987 is out of print and we offer it as a PDF that is an exact copy of the paperback.

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(image for) Tara: The Feminine Devine by Bokar Rinpoche

Tara: The Feminine Devine by Bokar Rinpoche

Tara is one of most loved femine deities in India and Tibet. Tara like a good mother main purpose is to provide protection for those who need it. Tara came out of a tear of compassion of Chenrezig and provides protection from things such as poisonous snakes (a serious problem in India and other...

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(image for) Tathagatagarbha Sutra:Earliest Buddha Nature text by Zimmermann

Tathagatagarbha Sutra:Earliest Buddha Nature text by Zimmermann

A Buddha Within: The Tathagatagarbha Sutra: The Earliest Exposition of the Buddha-nature teaching in India. Buddha nature which is an essence or nature that exists in all sentient beings allows that being to become Enlightened which all the obstacles to buddha nature have been cleared away. In this...

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(image for) Teachings at Sonada by Kalu Rinpoche (PDF)

Teachings at Sonada by Kalu Rinpoche (PDF)

Dharma Teachings at Sonada 1973 From the Introduction : As human beings we all have body, speech, and mind and the wish for happiness. But as the Buddha taught, all things are impermanent, and as such they are permeated by disappointment and the sorrow of degeneration. There is a way to transcend...

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(image for) Temples in Western Tibet with Artwork by Tucci (PDF)

Temples in Western Tibet with Artwork by Tucci (PDF)

Unfortunately, during the cultural revolution in 1959 almost all the Buddhist temples and buildings were destroyed and their contents destroyed.  Tucci in this book meticulously catalogues many of these temples years before they were destroyed and made photographys (mostly in black and white...

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(image for) The 18 Kinds of Yogic Joy of Milarepa by Khenpo Tsultrim

The 18 Kinds of Yogic Joy of Milarepa by Khenpo Tsultrim

Khenpo Tsultrim was famous for Explaining the Spiritual Songs of Milarepa. In this text he takes this song of Milarepa and explains its profound meaning and then the text has a translation of this song.

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(image for) The Art of Living by Thich Nhat Hanh

The Art of Living by Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh was born in Vietnam and is one of the best known Zen Buddhist around the world for his very practical advice on how to live one's life fully and how to deal with one's many problems in Samsara. Unfortunately we passed away quite recently so we thought we could offer a few of...

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(image for) The Biographies of Rechungpa by Roberts (PDF)

The Biographies of Rechungpa by Roberts (PDF)

This book traces the lifestory of Rechungpa (1084–1161)—the student of the famous teacher Milarepa—using rare and little-known manuscripts, and discovers how the image of both Milarepa and Rechungpa underwent fundamental transformations over a period of over three centuries. The author...

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(image for) The Buddhist Path by Palden Sherab (PDF)

The Buddhist Path by Palden Sherab (PDF)

This is a very good book on Buddhism by a very well known teacher with great realization. I enclose part of the text for you to see. Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche is the author of works on Tibetan grammar, poetry, philosophy, and history. Several of his books are used in courses at the Central...

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(image for) The Buddhist Path from Nyingma View by Palden Sherab

The Buddhist Path from Nyingma View by Palden Sherab

Palden Sherab Rinpoche and his brother Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche have produced a series of very readable books taking on many major Buddhist Topics. If you were able to attend any of their teachings you would see Palden Sherab teaching in Tibetan and his brother translating. This team which...

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(image for) The Circle of the Sun by Natsok Rangdrol (PDF)

The Circle of the Sun by Natsok Rangdrol (PDF)

The most learned Tsele Perna Legdrub was the body- emanation of the great translator Vairochana, and he attained the pinnacle of learning and accomplishment of the masters of the Land of Snow. Also known as Kongpo Gotsang Natsok Rangdrol, he was 'unmatched in the three qualities of scholarship,...

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(image for) The Dharma that Illuminates all by Kalu Rinpoche (PDF)

The Dharma that Illuminates all by Kalu Rinpoche (PDF)

The Very Venerable Kalu Rinpoche a beloved world-wide for his gentle, sincere, and straightforward way of presenting the Buddhist teachings, the Very Venerable Kalu Rinpoche is universally revered as one of the greatest Tibetan yogis of the century. Spending over 30 years meditating in hermitages...

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(image for) The Divine Madman (Drukpa Kunley) by Dowman (PDF)

The Divine Madman (Drukpa Kunley) by Dowman (PDF)

This is the story of the famous Drukpa Kunley who as a practitioner in Tibet who broke all societal rules, but did so in the interest of Dharma. He is well known by Tibetans because some of his stories use sex to help spiritual development.

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(image for) The Dzogchen Innermost Essence Preliminary Practice by Jigme Lingpa (PDF)

The Dzogchen Innermost Essence Preliminary Practice by Jigme Lingpa (PDF)

The first part of this book is a direct translation of the liturgy on the Preliminary Practices of the Longchen Nyingthig tradition of the Great Completeness, or Dzogchen teaching. The text is entitled The Excellent Path to Enlightenment written by Jig-me-ling-pa (1729-1798).  Jigme Lingpa is...

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(image for) The Essential Pema by Pema Chodron (PDF)

The Essential Pema by Pema Chodron (PDF)

This book is a compilation of Pema Chodron's teachings that covers a large number of different topics (many just a few pages long). It covers among other things: taking refuge, maitri, Shamatha, bodhichitta, ming training, obstacles on the path,i mpermanence, emptiness, equanimity, karma, and...

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(image for) The Four Noble Truths by the Dalai Lama (PDF)

The Four Noble Truths by the Dalai Lama (PDF)

The Dalai Lama, of course, is an extremely popular Buddhist and his books are for the layperson, not scholar and are therefore very easy to read. The Four Noble Truths are, in fact, the first teaching of the Buddha which was done after reaching enlightenment. This was done at Sarnath and the place...

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(image for) The Golden Letters Gerab Dorje and Dzogchen by Reynolds (PDF)

The Golden Letters Gerab Dorje and Dzogchen by Reynolds (PDF)

Gerab Dorje is an important teacher in the Nyingma Lineage. This book has translations of Three Statement that Strike the Essential Points and Life of Garab Dorje . In addition it has a very readable and balanced section on where the Nyingma Practice of Dzogchen originated including in Indian...

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(image for) The Joy of Living by Mingyur Rinpoche (PDF)

The Joy of Living by Mingyur Rinpoche (PDF)

"The experts in Buddhist mind science have been working with neuroscientists to design research that will document the neural impact of these varieties of mental training. Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche has been one of the expert practitioners most actively involved in this alliance, working...

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(image for) The Light of Wisdom Vol. 4 by Padmasambhava (PDF)

The Light of Wisdom Vol. 4 by Padmasambhava (PDF)

The main focus of Light ofWisdom, Vol IV, is the practice of Ati Yoga, the completion stage devoid of conceptual attributes. Here Padmasambhava's precious pith instructions are clarified by Jamgan Kongrul one of the greatest masters of Tibetan Buddhism. As previ- ously mentioned, with the consent...

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(image for) The Lion's Gaze by Palden Rinpoche

The Lion's Gaze by Palden Rinpoche

Lion's Gaze - Palden Sherab   CONTENTS 1. Dzogchen Lineage 2. Preliminary Practices 3. The Three Words That Strike the Crucial Point (Garab Dorje) 4. The Special Teaching of the Wise and Glorious Sovereign  5. Directly Cutting Through and Leaping Over 6. Lion's Gaze  7. Review of the...

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(image for) The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh

The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh was born in Vietnam and is one of the best known Zen Buddhist around the world for his very practical advice on how to live one's life fully and how to deal with one's many problems in Samsara. Unfortunately we passed away quite recently so we thought we could offer a few of...

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(image for) The Miraculous Key by Khenpo Tsultrim (PDF)

The Miraculous Key by Khenpo Tsultrim (PDF)

We are pleased to make this text by Khenpo Tsultrim available. It was compiled and translated by Tony Duff who offered this book for free distribution and so we honor that and offer this PDF of the book also for free. The full title of this 87 page book is "A partial Commentary to...

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(image for) The Origin of the Tara Tantra (PDF)

The Origin of the Tara Tantra (PDF)

This is a book byTaranatha who collected a lot of stories about Tara and these were  translated by Templeman. Taranatha apparently through together 89 references to Tara of mostly non-scholars had never heard of. It is a testament to Taranatha's apparent photographic memory, but it is a rather...

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(image for) The Passion Book: Tibetan Guide to Sex by Gendun Chophel

The Passion Book: Tibetan Guide to Sex by Gendun Chophel

  A Treatise on Passion is the most famous, and infamous, work of Gendun Chopel, the most important, and controversial, Tibetan writer of the twentieth century. He was born in the far northeast region of the Tibetan cultural domain in 1903, the year that Brit- ish forces under the command of...

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(image for) The Profound Wisdom of the Heart Sutra by Bokar Rinoche

The Profound Wisdom of the Heart Sutra by Bokar Rinoche

The Heart Sutra is a condensation of the vast Pajnaparamita sutras on emptiness. This 5 minute sutra is recited in many Buddhist centers across the world. While being short, it is extremely profound and here Bokar Rinpoche explains its meaning and how it relates to understanding emptiness. In the...

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(image for) The Sacred Life of Tibet by Dowman (PDF)

The Sacred Life of Tibet by Dowman (PDF)

Tibet is a country imbued with spiritual significance. Despite the many hardships - distrustful authorities, the severe altitude, the climate, the physical exhaustion these cause - pilgrimage in sacred Tibet is a quest which no external factor can frustrate. This book offers both visionary and...

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(image for) The Shangpa Kagyu Teachings by Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

The Shangpa Kagyu Teachings by Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

The Shangpa Kagyu lineage is one of the lesser known lineages but was made prominent by Kalu Rinpoche. This is an incredible book in which Tai Situpa discusses many topics not discussed by other lamas. Each one is short and insightful. These topics described below are not in the order they are...

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(image for) The Six Perfections (Paramitas) by Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

The Six Perfections (Paramitas) by Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

This brief text gives a good description of the Six Perfections ( Paramitas in Sanscrit) 

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(image for) The Two Truths by Khenpo Tsultrim (PDF)

The Two Truths by Khenpo Tsultrim (PDF)

One of the foundations of the second and third turning of the Wheel of Dharma is the two truths. These are the two realities that we experience. The first truth or reality is the conventional reality in which all appearances in this world appear to us as solid and real. This is the reality of...

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(image for) Theory of Shentong by Milarepa by Duff (PDF)

Theory of Shentong by Milarepa by Duff (PDF)

Tony Duff translates a spiritual song by Milarepa that comes from the 100,000 songs of Milarepa. this song is interesting because it gives the Shentong view of emptiness many years before Dolpopa propogated the Shentong teachings.

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(image for) Thus have I seen: Early visualization practice by Rotman

Thus have I seen: Early visualization practice by Rotman

Andy Rotman maintains that early Buddhist practice involved the practice of Visualization in additions to the Chanting and prayers. This very comprehensive books of 300 pages traces the whole practice of visualization in Buddhism up to the present.  

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(image for) Tibetan Medicine by Rechung Rinpoche (PDF)

Tibetan Medicine by Rechung Rinpoche (PDF)

Tibetan Medicine has preserved and unbroken traditions of medicine since its introduction from India in the seventh Century. Rechung Rinpoche (a reincarnation of Rechungpa) gives and English translation of Tibetan medicine.  This book has a biography of the Great Physician Yuthog the elder who...

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(image for) Tibetan Medicine On Birth, Life and Death by Namkhai Norbu (PDF)

Tibetan Medicine On Birth, Life and Death by Namkhai Norbu (PDF)

This is quite a remarkable book by Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche in which it elucidates the foundation of Tibetan Medicine. This is the only book we carry on this topic. In the first chapter he gives and then describes the five types of humours, giving the locations, functions, and characteristics of...

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(image for) Timeless Treasures by 3rd Jamgon Kongrul (PDF)

Timeless Treasures by 3rd Jamgon Kongrul (PDF)

Jamgon Kongtrul was a very like Buddhist teacher and unfortuntly pass away at an early age. However he was able to teach widly while he was alive and this is one of the books that contain this teachings. Below are some of his teachings   I MEETING THE DHARMA 2 THE BUDDHA'S WAY  3....

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(image for) Treasury of Knowledge Vol. 1 by Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

Treasury of Knowledge Vol. 1 by Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

The 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche is one of the outstanding teachers of the Kagyu Lineage and is head of Palpung Sherabling. The Tai Situ lineage goes back in an unbroken lineage for twelve generations. Tai Situ teaches in fluent English and also is a calligrapher, author, and geomancer. The Treasury of...

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(image for) Treasury of Knowledge Vol. 2 Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

Treasury of Knowledge Vol. 2 Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

The 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche is one of the outstanding teachers of the Kagyu Lineage and is head of Palpung Sherabling. The Tai Situ lineage goes back in an unbroken lineage for twelve generations. Tai Situ teaches in fluent English and also is a calligrapher, author, and geomancer. The Treasury of...

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(image for) Treasury of Knowledge Vol. 3 Commentary by Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

Treasury of Knowledge Vol. 3 Commentary by Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

The 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche is one of the outstanding teachers of the Kagyu Lineage and is head of Palpung Sherabling. The Tai Situ lineage goes back in an unbroken lineage for twelve generations. Tai Situ teaches in fluent English and also is a calligrapher, author, and geomancer. The Treasury of...
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(image for) Treasury of Knowledge Vol. 4 by Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

Treasury of Knowledge Vol. 4 by Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

The 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche is one of the outstanding teachers of the Kagyu Lineage and is head of Palpung Sherabling. The Tai Situ lineage goes back in an unbroken lineage for twelve generations. Tai Situ teaches in fluent English and also is a calligrapher, author, and geomancer. The Treasury of...

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(image for) Treasury of Knowledge Vol. 5 by Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

Treasury of Knowledge Vol. 5 by Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

The 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche is one of the outstanding teachers of the Kagyu Lineage and is head of Palpung Sherabling. The Tai Situ lineage goes back in an unbroken lineage for twelve generations. Tai Situ teaches in fluent English and also is a calligrapher, author, and geomancer. The Treasury of...

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(image for) Twenty-one Taras Practice by Tai Situpa Rinpoche (PDF)

Twenty-one Taras Practice by Tai Situpa Rinpoche (PDF)

Khentin Tai Situpa was one of the four regents of the Kagyu Lineage and in Thrangu Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsultrim’s first shedra at Rumtek. He has been teaching he speaks fluent English and has been teaching for 40 years, but very few of books of his teachings in English are available. ...

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(image for) Way to Go by Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

Way to Go by Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

This teachings by Kentin Tai Situ Rinpoche covers four main topics. 1. He teachers on the Four Seals 2. He explains the purpose of Reguge 3. He has an extensive teaching on the meaning and purpose of Enlightened Mind (bodhichitta) and the six paramatias 4. He describes the main points of...

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(image for) White Tara: Wish Fulfilling Wheel by Khenpo Karthar (PDF)

White Tara: Wish Fulfilling Wheel by Khenpo Karthar (PDF)

White Tara is practiced by all four major schools in Tibet. There are actually several Tara practices, but White Tara's special function is to promote long life both for the practitioner and for all others. Ultimately, White Tara is the nature of Dharmakaya and accomplishing her practice leads to...

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(image for) Wisdom of Forgiveneness by the Dalai Lama (PDF)

Wisdom of Forgiveneness by the Dalai Lama (PDF)

This book long account of over 200 pages by Victor Chan who followed the Dalai Lama around to a period of time talking to him and attending his meeting swith practitioners and his public teachings and basically recorded it all and then produced this book. I can't really think of a book that...

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(image for) Words of My Perfect Teacher by Patrul Rinpoche (PDF762)

Words of My Perfect Teacher by Patrul Rinpoche (PDF762)

The W ords of My Perfect Teacher, a Guide to the Preliminaries for the Heart-essence of the Vast Expanse from the Great Perfection , sets out the paths of the four main schools of Tibetan Buddhism without any conflict between them. It contains all the teachings, including the Steps of the Path for...

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(image for) Z Buddhist Power Places of Kathmandu Valley Nepal (PDF)

Z Buddhist Power Places of Kathmandu Valley Nepal (PDF)

Keith Dowman has researched and published books several books on places that are said to have strong sacred power. While this item is a typewritten PDF, it is extremlu helpful for anyone interested in Buddhism in Nepal.