Books and PDFs on Bardo (Dying)

These are the reference books and PDFs used in Thrangu Rinpoche's Journey of the Mind.Books and PDFs on Bardo (Dying)


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(image for) Journey of the Mind: Preparing for the Bardo Thrangu Rinpoche) (PDF)

Journey of the Mind: Preparing for the Bardo Thrangu Rinpoche) (PDF)

This is Thrangu Rinpoche's latest book which includes three of Thrangu Rinpoche's teachings on the Bardo.  The Bardo is the interval between when we die and when we are reborn. For ordinary persons the experience in the bardo is a very frightening with uncontrolled streams of visions, sounds...

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(image for) The Bardo Guidebook by Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche (PDF)

The Bardo Guidebook by Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche (PDF)

This is an excellent book by Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche who used the same text  by Natsok Rangdrol The Mirror for Mindfulness as Thrangu Rinpoche did in his book on the bardo. These teachings on the Bardo are not available here as a free download.

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(image for) Hidden History of Tibetan Book of Dead by Cuevas (PDF)

Hidden History of Tibetan Book of Dead by Cuevas (PDF)

Books on the Bardo usually begin by explaining that the Bardo Thodol (Tibetan Book of the Dead) was written by Padmasambhava in the 8th century CE.  Cuevas in this fascination book actually traces the teachings and Death and Dying from many centuries before Padmasamhava to the present...

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(image for) Travels in the Netherworld by Bryan Cuevas (PDF)

Travels in the Netherworld by Bryan Cuevas (PDF)

There is a fascinating phenomena of delogs  who are people who have died and then returned to tell all about their experiences in the netherworld. Plato actually mentions one in Greece and this book has very detailed accounts of Tibetan Buddhist who died and then days or weeks later suddenly...

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(image for) Light of Fearless Indestructible Wisdom by Dongyal (PDF)

Light of Fearless Indestructible Wisdom by Dongyal (PDF)

This book is about the Life and Legacey of Dudjom Rinpoche who was head of the Nyingma lineage in Tibet and taught thousands of lamas and westerners.  At his death he practiced Tukden and after his death his body shrunk to about a foot in length.

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(image for) Tibetan Book of the Dead by Evans Wentz (PDF)

Tibetan Book of the Dead by Evans Wentz (PDF)

This book is the original book on the Bardo that came out in English. It was translated by Kazi Dawa-Samdup with Evans-Wents being the editor. This edition (Oxford 2000) has a forward by Donald Lopez that updates the book

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(image for) Tibetan Book of the Dead by Fremantle and Trungpa (PDF)

Tibetan Book of the Dead by Fremantle and Trungpa (PDF)

Tibetan Book of the Dead translated by Fremantle. I received this transmission at the age of eight, and was trained in this teaching by my tutors, who also guided me in dealing with dying people. Consequendy I visited dying or dead people about four times a week from that time onwards. Such...

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(image for) Natural Liberation: Teaching on the Six Bardos (PDF)

Natural Liberation: Teaching on the Six Bardos (PDF)

Natural Liberation:Padmasambhava's Teachings on the Six Bardo translated by Alan Wallace and Commentary by Gyatrul Rinpoche THIS BOOK CONTAINS A TRANSLATION and commentary on the great Indian Buddhist tantric master Padmasambhava’s text, enti- tled The Profound Dharma of the Natural...

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(image for) The Tibetan Book of the Dead trs Gyurme Dorje (PDF)

The Tibetan Book of the Dead trs Gyurme Dorje (PDF)

This is a translation of the complete Bardo Thodol which is large and most other translations have left out a lot of material. The book is very readable and has a long introduction by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The Tibetan Book of the Dead includes one of the most detailed and compelling...

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(image for) On Death and Dying (40th Anneiversary) by Kubler-Ross (PDF)

On Death and Dying (40th Anneiversary) by Kubler-Ross (PDF)

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross was a psychiatrist with a particular interest in end-of-life care. Especially interested in the care of dying patients, she researched their attitudes to death. Her groundbreak- ing work, On Death and Dying, identified the “five stages” that dying people go...

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(image for) Secret Doctrines of the Tibetan Books of the Dead by Lauf (PDF)

Secret Doctrines of the Tibetan Books of the Dead by Lauf (PDF)

  AMoNG the secret traditions of Tibetan Buddhism we find certain doctrines that deal with the central problems of human existence, with the advanced paths to self-knowledge, and with death. To these secret traditions belong the Tibetan Books of the Dead, which were for the most part found by...

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(image for) Life After Life: 25th Anniversary of Bestseller by Moody (PDF)

Life After Life: 25th Anniversary of Bestseller by Moody (PDF)

It is research such as Dr. Moody presents in his book that will enlighten many and will confirm what we have been taught for two thousand years- that there is life after death. Though he does not claim to have studied death itself, it is evident from his findings that the dying patient continues to...

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(image for) Evidence of the Afterlife: Science of Near-Death Experiences by Long (PDF)

Evidence of the Afterlife: Science of Near-Death Experiences by Long (PDF)

Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences by Jeffrey Long, MD. This is an excellent book giving many examples of Near-Death Experiences with a lot of research on this topic.

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(image for) Luminous Essence: Guide to Guhyagarbha Tantra (PDF)

Luminous Essence: Guide to Guhyagarbha Tantra (PDF)

Luminous Essence: A Guide to the Guhyagarbha Tantra by Mipham The Guhyagarbha Tantra is the first tantra to introduce the concept of the 42 peaceful and 58 wrathful deities that are experienced in the Bardo. One of the most accomplished scholars and prolific writers of recent times in Tibet was...

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(image for) Oracles and Demons of Tibet by Nebesky-Wojkowitz (PDF)

Oracles and Demons of Tibet by Nebesky-Wojkowitz (PDF)

Oracles and Demons of Tibet: The Cult and Iconography of the Tibetan Protective Deities by Rene De Nebesky-Wojkowitz The iconography of the deities worshiped by the Tibetans as protectors and guardians of Buddhism belongs to the least known field of Tibetan Studies. The exceedingly numerous class...

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(image for) Dream Yoga and Practice of Natural Light by Norbu (PDF)

Dream Yoga and Practice of Natural Light by Norbu (PDF)

Dream Yoga and Practice of Natural Light by Namkai Norbu Rinpoche This book is a fairly comprehensive book on dream yoga with a good review of  dream yoga by Michael Katz and then Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche's extensive teaching on dream yoga as a  Buddhist practice.

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(image for) Sacred Tibetan Teachings on Death and Liberations by Orofino (PDF)

Sacred Tibetan Teachings on Death and Liberations by Orofino (PDF)

The world-renowned Tibetan Book ofthe Dead has its origin in the esoteric disciplines of the 'Great Perfection' which represent the highest system of meditation in the Tibetan religious tradition. These texts — which date back to the pre- Buddhist Bonpo era — include The Great...

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(image for) The Bonpo Book of the Dead by Reynolds (PDF)

The Bonpo Book of the Dead by Reynolds (PDF)

Selections from The Bonpo Book of the Dead translated by John Reynolds The Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thodol) is not just a tibetan Buddhist teaching, but it was also a Bonpo teaching. The Bonpo Tibetan sect predates Padmasambhava and there for had a similar text to his before he came to...

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(image for) The Larger Sukhavatiyuha Sutra (PDF)

The Larger Sukhavatiyuha Sutra (PDF)

THE LARGER SUKHAVATIVYUHA SUTRA or The Sutra on the Buddha of Eternal Life Thrangu Rinpoche in his Journey of the Mind describes how one of the important ways to go to a pure land right after death and basically skip the bardo is to do the Amitabha practice. This is the English text of this...

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(image for) The Tibetan Book of the Dead trans Thurman (PDF)

The Tibetan Book of the Dead trans Thurman (PDF)

The Tibetan Book of the Dea d: Libertation through understanding in the between translated by Robert Thurman This is another translation of the Bardo Thodol and Thurman uses some unusual words in his translation such as the word "in the between" for bardo.     

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(image for) Death and Reincarnation in Tibetan Buddhism by Zivkowic

Death and Reincarnation in Tibetan Buddhism by Zivkowic

Death and Reincarnation in Tibetan Buddhism Inbetween Bodies by Tanya Zivkowic The book looks closely at previously unexamined figures whose history is relevant to a better understanding of how Tibetan culture navigates its own under- standing of reincarnation, the veneration of relics and...

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(image for) Rainbow Body and Resurrection by Tiso (PDF)

Rainbow Body and Resurrection by Tiso (PDF)

Rainbow Body and Resurrection: Spritual Attainment, the Dissolution of the Material body and the case of Khenpo Acho by Francis Tiso. The Rainbow body in which the body of a high practitioner dissolves into space at death is the highest spiritual achievment.   “Francis Tiso has...

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(image for) Masters of Mahamudra trans by Dowman (PDF)

Masters of Mahamudra trans by Dowman (PDF)

This book is a translation of stories of the 84 mahasiddhas. These Mahasiddhas were accomplished practitioners who lived outside the monasteries in India and praticed Mahamudra without the constraints of vows and certain behaviors in the 8th to 12th century in India. The stories are fascinating...

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(image for) Bardo Teachings-- Primordial Essence by Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

Bardo Teachings-- Primordial Essence by Tai Situ Rinpoche (PDF)

Khentin Tai Situpa was one of the four regents of the Kagyu Lineage and perticipated in Thrangu Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsultrim’s first shedra at Rumtek. He speaks fluent English and has been teaching for 40 years, but unfortuantely very few of books in English are available in English .  ...

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