Middle-Way Meditation Instructions of Mipham Rinpoche (book)

(image for) Middle-Way Meditation Instructions of Mipham Rinpoche (book)
Middle-Way Meditation Instructions of Mipham Rinpoche (book)


Mipham Rinpoche, a 19th century Tibetan scholar and practitioner, gives a definitive explanation of the Middle-way Instructions. For a few years he stayed at the Tenth Thrangu Rinpoche's monastery, where he was supplied with the materials for his prolific writing. One of Mipham Rinpoche's encyclopedic works on Buddhism was the Gateway to Knowledge and it is from this text that thrangu Rinpoche fashioned his Middle-Way Instructions.

In this book Thrangu Rinpoche in his own words explains the meditation techniques for developing compassion and expanding the aspiration for bodhichitta. This text gives a detailed explanation of how one meditates to develop this wisdom. While all three vehicles were practiced in Tibet, the Middle-Way Instructions are like the background of a tapestry that allows the integration and display of its parts into a whole.


This teaching was given in Samye Ling in Scotland with Ken and Katia Holmes translating. The book is 127 pages long and contains Notes, a Glossary, a Tibetan glossary, Bibliography, and Index.

Available also is an exact copy of this book as a PDF for $ 1.25 in the PDF section of this website.

This product was added to our catalog on Friday 19 October, 2018.

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