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Date Added: Sunday 15 December, 2024
The 84 Mahasiddhas were accomplished practitioners who lived outside the monasteries in India and practiced Mahamudra without the constraints of vows and certain behaviors in the 8th to 12th century in India.  The stories are fascinating because the practitioners were ordinary men and women who had many different backgrounds and were kings, bakers, laborers, and ordinary persons in life, but each was able to reach enlightenment. Keith Dowman translated their songs of realization and related their experiences and teachings to the modern practice of Mahamudra. This book is especially interesting because Robert Beer, an extraordinary painter did painting of many of these mahasiddhas.
(image for) Tathagarta-garbha Sutra by Zimmermann (PDF)

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Date Added: Sunday 15 December, 2024
This book is an extensive explanation of the origins of the concept of Buddha Nature. Buddha nature begins with a short sutra of Mahayana Buddhism that revolutionized the understanding of Buddhism. The concept of buddha nature (which is not just confined to Buddhist so a translation of "essential nature" would be a better translation. Buddha nature is an essential nature that is possessed by all sentient beings and it is the innate ability to reach enlightenment. We don't usually realize this essential nature because it is covered up or obscured by our disturbing emotions and incorrect beliefs such as the belief that we are a real solid being. Zimmerman's books is massive of over 400 pages tracing this concept of buddha nature across several countries and several different Buddhist linages and several times.
(image for) Tibetan Medicine by Rechung Rinpoche (PDF)

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Date Added: Wednesday 11 December, 2024
Tibetan Medicine has preserved and unbroken traditions of medicine since its introduction from India in the seventh Century. Rechung Rinpoche (a reincarnation of Rechungpa) gives and English translation of Tibetan medicine.  This book has a biography of the Great Physician Yuthog the elder who spread medicine across Tibet. In addition there is a translation from the Second and Forth books of the four volume called the Gyuzhi, the bases of Tibetan and Mongolian medicine. This book 340 pages is a excellent resources for those interested in Tibetan Medicine and it includes diagrams, and extensive bibliographies.
(image for) The Golden Letters Gerab Dorje and Dzogchen by Reynolds (PDF)

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Date Added: Wednesday 11 December, 2024
Gerab Dorje is an important teacher in the Nyingma Lineage. This book has translations of Three Statement that Strike the Essential Points and Life of Garab Dorje . In addition it has a very readable and balanced section on where the Nyingma Practice of Dzogchen originated including in Indian Buddhism, in Chan Buddhism, and in the Bon religion of Tibet. It then discusses whether it is an authentic practice (as proposed by some Gelug scholars) and where it fits into Buddhism in general. The book is 385 pages long and one of the most readable reference book on this topic of Dzogchen.  

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Date Added: Tuesday 03 December, 2024
Thrangu Rinpoche dedicó sus últimos 40 años a enseñar meditación y otros temas budistas tanto a estudiantes occidentales como asiáticos. El proceso para desarrollar una buena meditación comienza con la meditación Shamatha, que consiste en calmar la mente y entrenarla gradualmente para que podamos descansar sin distraernos en exceso con pensamientos y emociones. El segundo paso para desarrollar una buena meditación es Vipashyana, que implica aprender a observar directamente la mente y ver su verdadera naturaleza. Al lograr esto, podemos comenzar a reducir nuestras emociones perturbadoras, pensamientos y ansiedades. Ambas meditaciones pueden practicarse en cualquier lugar, sin necesidad de crear situaciones especiales o de tener iniciaciones. Shamatha y Vipashyana pueden practicarse como meditación formal sentada pero también durante las actividades diarias como trabajar, desplazarse, comer o explicar cosas.Por todas estas razones, la meditación explicada por Rinpoche es muy útil para el practicante moderno, ocupado con la familia y el trabajo. También menciona y explica otras formas importantes de meditación como el Dar y Tomar, la no meditación del Dzogchen, el Mahamudra y la meditación inversa. En resumen, un libro en el que Rinpoche explica la meditación en un lenguaje simple y directo, basado en una tradición de más de 1,000 años de antigüedad que ha producido a muchas personas iluminadas.

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Date Added: Tuesday 03 December, 2024
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(image for) Útmutató A Szamatha Ès Vipassana Meditációhoz (Hungarian)

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Date Added: Saturday 30 November, 2024
Must add text in Hungarian