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Amulet of Mahamudra--Two commentaries by Thrangu Rinpoche
The Amulet of Mahamudra is an engaging teaching by Thrangu Rinpoche based on two Mahamudra texts that are not commonly taught. The first text called the Amulet of Mahamudra which was taught by the 13th century Mahasiddha Thangtong Gyalpo who was also known for building over 100 iron...

Bardo Teachings from The Mirror of Mindfulness (YouTube)
Journey of the Mind through Life, Death, the Bardo and Rebirth Thrangu Rinpoche comments on The Mirror of Mindfulness Because we all know that we will eventually die, there is a great interest in how we can prepare for our death. With over 40 years of teaching Westerners, Thrangu Rinpoche has...

Developing Wisdom and Compassion (YouTube)
Developing Wisdom and Compassion It is said that the path to enlightenment is a path of developing two major abilities. The first ability is the development of Wisdom in which we must examine our life and behavior and see what it is that is hindering us from suffering in Samsara and hindering us...

Differentiating the Middle from Extremes (YouTube)
Differentiating Middle from Extremes The Maitreya Buddha, the future Buddha who will come after the Shakyamuni Buddha, gave five lengthy teachings to Asanga in India in the fourth century CE. Asanga wrote these teachings down called the Five Treatises of Maitreya and then wrote a commentary on...

Eliminating The Darkness of Ignorance (YouTube)
Eliminating the Darkness of Ignorance Wangchuk Dorje, the Ninth Karmapa, wrote three definitive teachings on Mahamudra meditation. Thrangu Rinpoche has taught on all three of these texts—Eliminating the Darkness of Ignorance, Pointing out the Dharmakaya, and Ocean of Definitive meaning. ...

Heart Sutra by Taranatha--Shentong view (YouTube)
Taranatha's commentary on The Heart Sutra Crestone 2006 This teaching on the Heart Sutra by Thrangu Rinpoche is based on Taranatha's commentary. Taranatha (1575-1634) was a remarkable scholar and lama of the Jonang School of Buddhism. Thrangu Rinpoche's teaching presents a detailed...

Magic Key by Khenpo Gangshar (YouTube)
Thrangu Rinpoche: A Commentary on The Magic Key by Khenpo Ganshar The Magical Key is a concise text written by Khenpo Gangshar Wangpo which presents the different philosophical schools of Buddhism and focuses primarily on the profound definitive meaning of the Great Middle Way. Khenpo Gangshar...

Naturally Liberating commentary on Khenpo Gangshar (YouTube)
A Commentary on Naturally Liberating What You Meet by Khenpo Gangshar In 1958, the Chinese invaded Kham in Tibet, destroying monasteries and imprisoning monks. In the previous summer, Khenpo Gangshar foresaw great difficulties and to help the monks progress rapidly on the path so they could meet...

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Saraha's Doha on Mahamudra (YouTube)
Saraha is credited with being the first person to teach Mahamudra meditation which he learned from a female arrow-maker. After realizing Mahamudra, Saraha wrote three treatises on Mahamudra-- the longest being the People's Doha , the middle length being the Queen's Doha , and the shortest...

Seven Points of Mind Training (YouTube)
The Seven Points of Mind Training (LoJong) The Seven Points of Mind Training is a method of developing a relative bodhichitta practice which was brought to Tibet by the great Atisha. This practice is very effective in working with emotions. One usually learns or memorizes a number of instructions...

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Six Paramitas by Thrangu Rinpoche (YouTube)
The Six Paramitas are a important teaching in Mahayana Buddhism. The are six steps which one must go through in order to reach enlightenment. They are Generosity, Marality, Patience, Diligence, One-pointed Concentration, and Developing Wisdom. The famous Bodhisattva Way of Life and many other...

Song of the Middle Way View of Rolpe Dorje (YouTube video)
Song of the Way View Thrangu Rinpoche is one of the foremost Scholars and Practitioners of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. He was classically trained in Tibet and has centers in North America, Europe, and Asia. Since 1980, Rinpoche has taught students West and also Asia. He has also...

The Music of Great Bliss (YouTube Video)
Music of Great Bliss Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche composed The Music of Great Bliss at the age of 19. In this provocative doha Trungpa Rinpoche presents Mahamudra as a girlfriend or lover. He thus explains the view, path, and fruition of Mahamudra in a direct and intimate way. Thrangu...

Song of the Dzogchen View by Mipham (YouTube video)
Ju Mipham’s Song of the Dzogchen View A commentary by Thrangu Rinpoche The great scholar and practitioner Ju Mipham (1846-1912) stayed in the previous Thrangu Rinpoche’s monastery for a few years. He has composed many texts on a vast number of Buddhist subjects and was a leading figure...

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Dolpopa's Mountain Dharma
Dolpopa was a thirteen century Tibetan practitioner and scholar who is credited with introducing the Shentong view of emptiness into Tibetan Buddhism which until had mainly taken the Rangtong position. Dolpopa built the largest stupa in Tibet and and practiced for many years the Kalachakra in a...