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“In this fascinating study, Dagyab Rinpoche not only explains the nine best-known groups of Tibetan Buddhist symbols, but also shows how they serve as bridges between our inner and outer worlds. As such, they can be used to point the way to ultimate reality and to transmit a reservoir of deep...
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“The teachings included in Advice from the Lotus-Born were spoken directly by Padmasambhava to his close disciples in Tibet. Primarily they were given in response to questions from Lady Tsogyal, the princess of Kharchen, who wrote them down and concealed them as a precious terma treasure to...
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A mandala is a visual sacred description of a the deities and their qualities. If there is anything you want to know about a mandala, you will most likely find it in this 700 page book. It is extremely detailed and encompasses a large number different mandalas.
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The Dalai Lama has met with thousands of persons from all different religions and engage with many religious leaders to try to establish a set of ethics for all humans on the planet. This book is that attempt to show that the positive values of religion are not just religious doctrines, but...
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There are two main Tara practices--Green Tara, White Tara. The White Tara is done for expanding blessing to the entire world and also for life extension. This book by Tai Situ gives the complete White Tara practice in Tibetan script, translateration, and English. For an explanation of how to do...
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THE DIVYAVADANA Vol 1 The Divyāvadāna is a large collection of Indian Buddhist stories written in Sanskrit from the early centuries of the Common Era. These stories have frequently been used in the moral education of monastics and laypeople, and they have often been considered to be the word of...
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Padmasambhava is one of the main persons to bring Buddhism to Tibet in the seventh century. This book contains an important teaching on the elimenation of obstacles in one's practice and gives the history of this teaching, very good commentaries on this practice and finally the text of the...
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“ANCIENT BUDDHIST LITERATURE is filled with tales of past lives. The Buddha, surrounded by his followers, is asked how it came to be that a certain person has met a particular fate. With his omniscience, the Buddha looks into eons past and uncovers the events that led to the present outcome...
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The actual title of this book is: Essence of the Ocean of Attainments. “The Guhyasamāja is a fundamental tantra in Tibetan Buddhism. Yael Bentor’s translation of the commentary written by the first Panchen Lama, Losang Chökyi Gyaltsen, is a brilliant piece of scholarship, the...
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This book is on the Middle Way or Second Turning of the Wheel of Dharma by the great Tibetan scholar Tsong Khapa. These Middle Way teachings are mainly on the insubstantiality or emptiness of the self and of external phenomena. “I am very happy that Tsong Khapa’s masterpiece of Tibetan...
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This amazing book of 500 pages contains vast amounts of information on the symbols found in Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan paintings. It is illustrated by Robert Beer one of the foremost artists of Tibetan painting.
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“DÜDJOM LINGPA (1835–1904) was one of the foremost tantric masters of his time. His visionary teachings on the Great Perfection (Dzokchen) are the pinnacle of practice in Tibet’s oldest Buddhist school.Heart of the Great Perfection, the first of three volumes devoted to the...
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This book is a very comprehensive book on how Buddhism can to America. This book is the Third Edition and was updated with newer developments in Buddhism in the US.
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Pema Chodron is one of the most popular Buddhist teachers in the United States and in other countries. This book is a very important book that presents how we should meditate in simple and practical way.
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Hungry Ghosts are invisible (to most of us) spirits who are all around us. In a previous life they were basically very greedy and so their karma become a non-material being who sees all the food and riches in the material world, but cannot possess any of them so they have great suffering....
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This book, In Love with the World , is an amazing book by one of the great masters today, Mingur Rinpoche. This is the most readable and interesting Buddhist book I have personally read. Mingur Rinpoche who was surrounded by hundreds of Western students and Tibetan monks who...
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This book, In Love with the World , is an amazing book by one of the great masters today, Mingur Rinpoche. This is the most readable and interesting Buddhist book I have personally read. Mingur Rinpoche who was surrounded by hundreds of Western students and Tibetan monks who...
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The is Dzigar Kongtrul's commentary on the Seven Points of Mind Training. In this book he explains that to attain true happiness in this life we must train our mind. He then gives a lucid and modern explanation of the classic Buddhist text Seven Points of Mind Training to show how to attain...
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Dzigar Kongtrul is known to give very lucid Buddhist teachings in a way that everyone can understand what he saying whether they are Buddhist or not. This book covers a large number of topics and has an foreword by Pema Chodron.
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“Love Your Enemies is a practical guide to finding freedom from our enemies, through the powerful allies of wisdom, tolerance, and love. Specifically, we offer tools to conquer four kinds of enemies we encounter in life—these four developed from the ancient Tibetan mind-transformation...
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The chod practice is an important practice to deduce one's overwhelming beief in a self or ego. This Chod practice was developed by Machig Labdron, one of Tibet's most famous female practitioners. Briefly, in this practice we try to reduce our clinging to our self as a solid thing by...
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This is a wonderful set of dozens and dozens of translations of the works of Marpa who went to India three times and brought back some of the most important Vajrayana works. These have been translated by Elizabeth Calahan.
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“Masters of Meditation and Miracles presents colorful biographies of thirty-five realized teachers whose lives were full of peace, enlightenment, and amazing miracles. They flourished in Tibet, the Roof of the World, in its golden days. These teachers belong to the Longchen Nyingthig lineage...
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The understanding of the emptiness has always been rather difficult to understand. This book is invaluable in understanding this concept. “I am delighted with this translation of Mipham Rinpoche’s Sword of Wisdom. Personally, this text has helped me so much in understanding the system...
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The Mirror of the Heart of Vajrasattva: Two Upadesha Tantras of the Great Perfection with Tibetan Text “The Great Perfection, also known as the Atiyoga or Dzogchen (rDzogs chen), is a tradition of esoteric Buddhism that propounds instantaneous enlightenment and was first brought to Tibet in...
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The Dalai Lama is one of the foremost Buddhist teachers in the world. His numerous books which are written for the layman have been translated into dozens of languages. This book of over 300 pages is the fascinating story of his life.
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The book is a full description of Namkai Norbu's teacher who attained Rainbow body-- the highest attainment possible. A high lama at the time of death will ask his followers to not disturb him or her in a room for several days. They will die in an upright position and after a few day there is...
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This is a text on the 84 Mahasiddhas who were great practitioner in India in the 8th to 12th century who, for the most part, lived outside the Buddhist masteries and often engaged in very unusual behavior in their practice. This book also includes illustrations of these mahasiddhas.
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Khenpo Karthar has collect a whole set of stories of great practitioners what he knew and these are written down in this book. “The stories in this book are evidence of this (compassion) especially since most of the holy beings whose lives are recounted here began as ordinary...
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Mahamudra is the mail practice of the Kagyu Lineage and it involves to greatly simplify looking directly at mind. “Sounds of Innate Freedom: The Indian Texts of Mahāmudrā are historic volumes containing many of the first English translations of classic mahāmudrā literature. The texts and...
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Anyen Rinpoche has a number of books available on Buddhist topics. This particular book of 172 pages is Using Buddhist Mind Training to Free Yourself from Painful Emotional Patterns. Mind Training (lojong) is excellent to work with your mind is real world instead of on the cushion.
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“Mahamudra is a simple, direct method for looking beyond our thoughts to the very nature of conscious experience. The Mind of Mahāmudrā highlights this central meditation practice of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism through six texts ranging from the twelfth century to the seventeenth...
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Mipham Rinpoche, a 19th century Tibetan scholar and practitioner, gives a definitive explanation of the Middle-way Instructions. For a few years of his life he stayed at the Tenth Thrangu Rinpoche's monastery, where he was supplied with the materials for his prolific writing. One of Mipham...
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One of the most important concepts in Mahayana Buddhism is the concept of Emptiness. We have external experiences that appear, but when they are examined closely in four careful analyses of the Middle-way (Madhyamaka) they are found to be insubstantial or lack inherent reality. This fact has led...
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This is a beautifully produced by the Seventeenth Karmapa of Thrangu Rinpcohe's history and activities. This book of over 100 pages or rare and carefully selected photos of Thrangu Rinpoche's activities around the world. The book is in Tibetan, English, and Chinese. It also has a long...
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This extensive set of teachings was one of Thrangu Rinpoche's introductions to the basic concepts of the three vehicles of Buddhism. When Buddhism came to Tibet, the great masters of meditation determined that to practice Buddhism properly, all three vehicles, or levels, of Buddhism have to be...
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This is the same as the previous Ebook but in mobi extension. “After arriving in Italy in the early 1960s, the first thing I taught was Yantra Yoga, a sacred and secret practice in Tibet. I decided to teach it because people asked me to, but especially because I understood how beneficial it...
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This book is "buddhist Teachings on Tsewa, The Radical Openness of Heart that can Change the world." “Humanity has made tremendous progress in the last few centuries—in science, technology, health, literacy, and many other areas. Great achievements have improved the lives of...
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Uncommon Happiness is a book collecting a set of very early Dharma Teachings by Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche.
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“In the present volume, The World of Tibetan Buddism, beautifully translated and edited by Geshe Thupten Jinpa, His Holiness offers a clear and penetrating overview of Tibetan Buddhist practice from the Four Noble Truths to Highest Yoga Tantra with, as always, special emphasis on the...
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Milarepa, Tibet's greatest saint, had two major disciples: Gampopa, who established the monastic foundation of the Kagyu lineage, and Rechungpa, who traveled to India and brought back profound teachings which were absorbed into several lineages. Rechungpa's biography stands out because of...
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"The great Indian master Kamalashila's Stages of Meditation in the Middle Way School opens the door of philosophy and practice to meditators at all levels. With brevity and clarity, it covers all the main topics one needs to know from developing compassion, through numerous methods of...
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This introduction to Buddhist psychology supplies essential instructions for successful meditation practice. Everyday Consciousness and Primordial Awareness sets forth the nature of mind and human potential and presents meditation practices that can powerfully influence and ultimately transform the...
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In this book, Rinpoche discusses the four common foundations, which are the four thoughts to contemplate before beginning a spiritual practice. The first foundation, precious human birth, explains in detail why practice is important. The second foundation, impermanence, teaches us to find something...
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In this book, Rinpoche discusses the four common foundations , which are the four thoughts to contemplate before beginning a spiritual practice. The first foundation, precious human birth, explains in detail why practice is important. The second foundation, impermanence, teaches us to find...
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"The Ocean of Definitive Meaning by the Ninth Karmapa (1556-1603) is a profound and famous text on Mahamudra and offers a detailed, uniquely comprehensive presentation of instruction on both the view and the practice. In the teachings contained in this book, Thrangu Rinpoche has distilled the...
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One of the most often recited prayers in the Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The Mahamudra Lineage Prayer , also called the Dorje Chang Prayer combines a supplication to the Mahamudra lineage with a concise guide to Mahamudra practice and the stages of the path to enlightenment. In...
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The foundation of all meditation practice are the two types of meditation that form the core of Buddhist spiritual practice: Tranquillity (Shamatha) meditation which aims at stilling the mind and Insight meditation (Vipasyana) meditation produces insight into the nature of all phenomena. Shamatha...
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Vivid Awareness presents Khenchen Thrangu's commentary on the famous Dzogchen and Mahamudra master Khenpo Gangshar's two texts on Naturally Liberating Whatever You Meet . The book also includes translations of both root texts. The instructions in this book are a distillation of the...