This is a very striking painting which is very detailed. In the middle we have Amitayus called “The Buddha of Infinite Life” red in color, sitting in vajra posture and wearing the sambhogakaya form with silk garments, elaborate crown, necklace, earrings, and bracelets. His hands are in his lap in the meditation (zen) mudra. Amitayus is very similar to wisdom buddha Amitabha except that he holds in his lap a vase holding the amrita of immortality and on top of the vase is the wish-fulfilling tree. He is red because he resides in the western pure land of Sukavati with Amitabha. Tibetans often ask monks to do a long-life sadhana in their house.
At the bottom are the two other long-life deities with White Tara on the left and Namgyalma on the right. We have full size photos of these two entities in this section of the website.
This photo is of high quality (300dpi) and copyright free. You may download either the smaller 4 by 6 inch or the larger 8 by 10 inchpicture each for $ 0.50. You may also purchase both these two pictures for $ 2.00 postage free (in the US).

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 25 March, 2020.