Vivid Awareness by Thrangu Rinpoche (Mobi)


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Vivid Awareness presents Khenchen Thrangu's commentary on the famous Dzogchen and Mahamudra master Khenpo Gangshar's two texts on Naturally Liberating Whatever You Meet. The book also includes translations of both root texts.

The instructions in this book are a distillation of the essential points of the esoteric Tibetan Buddhist practices of Mahamudra and Dzogchen. Intended to help people to face life’s difficulties, they include essentials of Buddhist philosophy, contemplation on the ephemeral nature of both joy and suffering, meditations for resting the mind, and guidance for maintaining equanimity in real-life circumstances.

Khenchen Thrangu, in this book describes his studies with a teacher of great renown who remained in Tibet after the Chinese invasion. The deceased elder master, known as Khenpo Gangshar, is still renowned as a dynamic, unconventional teacher, widely respected for his spiritual achievement. He foresaw the difficulties coming in Tibet and realized that he had to give people some straightforward instructions that would be easy to remember and to use, because the country would soon be engulfed in turmoil and be in need of spiritual help.

“These instructions are exceptionally concise and easy to follow. Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche received this distillation of the essential points of Mahamudra from the renowned master Khenpo Gangshar, and he credits them with saving his life. They could save your life too—giving you the tools to stabilize the mind even in the most terrifying and challenging of circumstances.”—Pema Chödrön, author of Taking the Leap

This e-book is in the Kindle format (mobi) and can be read on many ebook readers. If you want the Paperback book, simply go to the Dharma Book section of this website.

This product was added to our catalog on Friday 04 January, 2019.