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(image for) 9 Best-Known Buddhist Symbols by Dagyab Rinpoche.epub

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Date Added: Saturday 22 June, 2024
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“In this fascinating study, Dagyab Rinpoche not only explains the nine best-known groups of Tibetan Buddhist symbols, but also shows how they ... more info
(image for) 9th Karmapa (Wangchuk Dorje) Ocean of Certainty with Traleg Rinpoche

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This is another book on the 9th Karmapa's Ocean of Certainty with a translation of the root text and a commentry by Traleg Rinpoche.
(image for) 9th Karmapa Middle Way Feast for the Fortunate (PDF)

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Date Added: Thursday 04 July, 2024
(image for) It's Free!

All Buddhist philosophical systems explain how they adhere to a “mid- dle way” or middle path, whether that middle way is one of view, medita- ... more info
(image for) 9th Karmpa Mahamudra: Ocean of True Meaning (PDF)

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Date Added: Thursday 04 July, 2024
(image for) It's Free!

This is a translation by Henrik Havlat. Thrangu Rinpoche also has a book on this topic. The book covers the Four Prelminaries, then the Four Uncommon ... more info
(image for) A Guide to Shamatha and Vipasyana (PDF)

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Date Added: Thursday 04 April, 2024
(image for) It's Free!

This 74 page booklet gives a clear and concise overview of how to do basic sitting meditation. The author Thrangu Rinpoche has spent the last 40 ... more info
(image for) A Harmony of Views Dzogchen, Middle Way, and Mahamudra(PDF)

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Date Added: Thursday 21 January, 2021
Price: $1.25

There are two ways to approach the teachings on emptiness: one can study the vast Prajna-paramita sutras and commentaries using logic until one has ... more info
(image for) A Life of Happiness by Thrangu Rinpoche (PDF)

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Date Added: Monday 07 March, 2022
(image for) It's Free!

  A Life of Happiness: A Practice Guide for Older Practitioners  is the first Buddhist practice guide intended for older people. Khenchen ... more info

Date Added: Wednesday 03 July, 2024
(image for) It's Free!

IN THIS VOLUME, the reader will find translations of two commentaries on the practice of the enlightened teacher, Padmasambhava. This great master, ... more info

Date Added: Sunday 11 October, 2020
(image for) It's Free!

The foundation of ALL meditation practice are the two types of meditation that form the core of Buddhist spiritual practice: Tranquillity (Shamatha) ... more info
(image for) A Symphony of Great Bliss by Trungpa Rinpoche (PDF)

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Date Added: Wednesday 26 July, 2023
(image for) It's Free!

A Symphony of Great Bliss